Glitterer - Looking Through The Shades

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"Looking Through The Shades" is Glitterer's debut full-length album featuring Ned Russin, bassist/vocalist of Title Fight. Produced by Alex Giannascoli and Arthur Rizk (Code Orange, Power Trip, Sumerlands) the album delivers Glitterer's best-yet sonics and songs. The lyrics are still insouciantly tortured, in a reluctant-college-boy kind of way, the choruses are still obscenely catchy, and the arrangements still carry not so much as an ounce of excess fat.

1. The Race
2. Again
3. Anxious Eyes
4. 1001
5. Destiny
6. Of More Being
7. Put Ourselves Away
8. Building
9. Two
10. Perfect
11. The News
12. Digging In The Trash
13. Wallpaper
14. Distraction