Baroness - Yellow & Green

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Baroness is set to unleash another full-length that delivers with the same heaviness and melody as "Blue" and "Red" but put forth songs that are more delicate than past efforts while others continue to pound home the band's mammoth progressive metalrock sound.

1. Yellow Theme
2. Take My Bones Away
3. March To The Sea
4. Little Things
5. Twinkler
6. Cocainium
7. Back Where I Belong
8. Sea Lungs
9. Eula
10. Green Theme
11. Board Up The House
12. Mtns. (The Crown & Anchor)
13. Foolsong
14. Collapse
15. Psalms Alive
16. Stretchmarker
17. The Line Between
18. If I Forget Thee, Lowcountry