The collection of "Caring & Killing" captures Converge in their formative years, spanning the timeframe of 1991-1994. This period was extremely productive for the band, generating the debut full-length, "Halo In A Haystack," a slew of compilation appearances and split EPs, as well as multiple demo sessions. The resultant tracks were unpredictable - rageful and delicate, catchy and obtuse. Now available again on vinyl with a gatefold cover.
1. Shallow Breathing
2. I Abstain
3. Two Day Romance
4. Fact Leaves Its Ghost
5. Becoming A Stranger
6. Antithesis
7. Dead
8. Tied To My Neck
9. Divinity
10. Blind
11. Sky
12. Down
13. Zodiac
14. Yesterday
15. Savior Salvation
16. But Life Goes On