Life's Torment - ...In Retrospect

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There's no time to breathe as the most ferocious fastcore band from the Las Vegas, NV, desert unleashes an avalanche of claustrophobic, searing hardcore. Special guest Eric Wood (Bastard Noise) amplifies the sonic chaos with interludes that give you just a moment to gather yourself before Life's Torment resumes their merciless assault. Also featuring guest vocals by Mitch Harris of Napalm Death/Righteous Pigs, Crazy Tom of DFL, and Kevin Fetus of Lack Of Interest/Fractured/Fetus Eaters.

1. Selfish Much?
2. Pigeonholed
3. Shit Stirrer
4. Comes In Threes
5. Lackluster
6. Empty Promises
7. Shelf Life
8. Led Astray
9. Desensitized
10. Naked Truth
11. Wasted Life
12. Needless To Say
13. Caught Slippin'
14. Unjust Means
15. Resentment
16. To Whom It May Concern
17. Bottom Feeders
18. Eradicate
19. Church/State
20. Magnified
21. Content With Ignorance
22. Ipseity Devoured
23. Biting Tongues
24. Writer's Block