Originally released in 1983 on the now legendary No Future Records, this debut full-length has become one of the seminal albums in '80s British punk alongside records from the likes of Blitz, Red Alert, and Cock Sparrer. Just one listen to songs like "17 Years Of Hell" and "I Never Needed You" and you'll know why this album shows up constantly on so many Top 100/must have lists of classic UK punk. Now available again on vinyl. LP includes a 24" x 24" poster.
1. No U Turns
2. 17 Years Of Hell
3. No Time
4. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
5. Dont Blame Us
6. Arms Race
7. I Never Needed You
8. I Dont Give A Fuck
9. Mindless Violence
10. Partisans
11. Fire
12. Overdose
1. No U Turns
2. 17 Years Of Hell
3. No Time
4. Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is
5. Dont Blame Us
6. Arms Race
7. I Never Needed You
8. I Dont Give A Fuck
9. Mindless Violence
10. Partisans
11. Fire
12. Overdose